There is great power in belonging and people want a place to belong. At Lakeside, we desire for people to know and follow Christ. We also desire to see people Belong to the family of Christ. The Christian life was NEVER meant to be lived alone; it was meant to be lived in community. We want to help you Belong to the family called Lakeside, which means coming to worship services and attending a Life Group. Come see what we’re about. Get to know us and let us get to know you.

God's desire for all who know Him is for us to BECOME more like Christ. We do this by first growing in our knowledge of Christ. Becoming more like Christ is a journey and it takes time. Jesus taught the value of fellowship during His time on Earth, and this is still valuable for us today. The church is meant to be a body of people who follow Christ, and help others follow Christ as well. If you’re aiming to BECOME more Christlike, you do not have to do it alone. Our family at Lakeside would love to be by your side as you walk through your journey of growth.
We want people to come to Christ, belong to the family at Lakeside, grow in their faith so that they become more like Christ and then engage in the mission God has given us. Jesus asks every Christ-follower to proclaim His gospel to all peoples everywhere and to invite them to put their faith in His salvation and join in His mission.
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 8:30am and 10:45am.