Wait list registration for 2025-26 school year.
School hours are from 9:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Extended hours are available for morning and afternoon.
Session A: 7:15a.m. – 9:25a.m. $8.00 per daySession 1: 1:30p.m. – 3:00p.m. $7.00 per daySession 2: 3:00p.m. – 4:30p.m. $8.00 per day
Got Questions? Call Us!
(659) 336-3515
Virtual Tour of Lakeside Weekday –
a 5 minute video
About the Weekday Education Ministry
Lakeside Baptist Church Weekday Education Ministry exists to assist parents in the social, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development of their children. It is our belief that a Christian environment enhances this developmental process. Believing that all children are special in God’s eye, with individual personalities, our goal is to create an atmosphere in which each child will grow and learn to his or her full potential. Our program is based on Christian theology and a sound educational philosophy.
We believe in love, laughter and learning at Lakeside by nurturing self-confidence through creative activities and exploration of the world around us. We believe this is accomplished by offering exciting challenges for the children, with the least amount of pressure. It is our prayer that we are effective in supporting our parents through this ministry program, and that we will be a service to our community. We are hopeful our parents will become a part of the Lakeside family and feel welcome to come to our church in times of crises.
We believe in love, laughter and learning at Lakeside by nurturing self-confidence through creative activities and exploration of the world around us. We believe this is accomplished by offering exciting challenges for the children, with the least amount of pressure. It is our prayer that we are effective in supporting our parents through this ministry program, and that we will be a service to our community. We are hopeful our parents will become a part of the Lakeside family and feel welcome to come to our church in times of crises.


The Lakeside Weekday Education program is a wonderful and caring place for children and families. We hope you will register with us.
ACCEPTED AGES - Children who will be 6 months by September of the school year registering – 4K are welcome.
REGISTRATION PACKET - To register, use this link to fill out the on line registration form. After processing the application, you will be sent an e-mail statement for the registration fee.
ACCEPTED AGES - Children who will be 6 months by September of the school year registering – 4K are welcome.
REGISTRATION PACKET - To register, use this link to fill out the on line registration form. After processing the application, you will be sent an e-mail statement for the registration fee.


All of our classes use the Frog Street Press Curriculum. It focuses on nurturing curiosity through exploration. A variety of teaching strategies are used enabling all children to progress in their learning. A variety of themes are used in each age group as a framework for learning. We are actively teaching language development, cognitive development, social and emotional development, and physical development.
Toddlers through 4K participate in Bible classes twice a week.
Toddlers through 4K have music classes once a week.
Toddlers through 4K participate in enrichment once a week.
Toddlers through 4K participate in Bible classes twice a week.
Toddlers through 4K have music classes once a week.
Toddlers through 4K participate in enrichment once a week.
Meet the Director
Martha Mooneyhan
Martha has worked at LBW since 2013 as a teacher in the two year old classes. She has over 20 years of experience in childcare. She became the Assistant Director in the summer of 2022 and is so excited to be able to minister to the families of LBW as Director beginning in the summer of 2023. She loves to watch children learn and grow and feels honored to be a small part of the process of their development. She not only wants to minister to the children she serves but also to the parents as they raise their young children. To Contact Martha, call 205-313-2930.
Martha has worked at LBW since 2013 as a teacher in the two year old classes. She has over 20 years of experience in childcare. She became the Assistant Director in the summer of 2022 and is so excited to be able to minister to the families of LBW as Director beginning in the summer of 2023. She loves to watch children learn and grow and feels honored to be a small part of the process of their development. She not only wants to minister to the children she serves but also to the parents as they raise their young children. To Contact Martha, call 205-313-2930.

Assistant Director
Connie Davis
We welcome Connie Davis as Assistant Director. She has worked at LBW since 2021 as a 3k teacher and has other childcare experience before coming to Lakeside. Connie has a passion for helping children become their best selves. She is happy to help families with whatever they need. To contact Connie please call 205-313-2931.
We welcome Connie Davis as Assistant Director. She has worked at LBW since 2021 as a 3k teacher and has other childcare experience before coming to Lakeside. Connie has a passion for helping children become their best selves. She is happy to help families with whatever they need. To contact Connie please call 205-313-2931.
When does school start and what are the hours?
School starts the day after Labor Day. Normal programmed school hours are from 9:30-1:30. Extended hours are from 7:15 a.m. till 4:30 p.m.
How will I communicate with my child’s teacher?
Parents will find out the name of their child’s teacher in August. All teachers will use the Procare app to communicate with parents. There will also be a folder in backpacks that will go back and forth from home to school each day.
What supplies does my child need for school?
Toddlers to two year olds will need a clear back pack, large enough to carry a folder. We will have some for sale at the parent orientation. Each child, MDO and Kindergarten need a change of clothes with his or her name clearly marked. 3K and 4K using late care need a nap mat – should be all one piece – pillow/blanket/matWe recommend nap mats from Urban Infant.www.urbaninfant.com
What specials does Lakeside offer?
Middle Toddlers – 4K will go to Bible and Music each week.. Middle toddlers- 4K will have enrichment. This year our “after school” activities are Tumblebus, Soccer Shots, tot, and Dance. Payments for these special activities are paid by you to the group in which your child is attending.
When will I receive my first bill?
You will receive your first bill at the end of June to be paid in July. It will be for your first supply fee. Supply fees are $20 per day registered. For example if your child comes 3 days a week, their supply fee will be $60. Supply fees are billed twice a year and will be billed again in January.
When is my first tuition due?
The first tuition is due August 1st. You should receive your statement the last week of July. Tuition is billed August through April (a month in advance). Tuition is due on the 1st day of the month. A late fee of $15.00 will be incurred after the 10th of the month.
When is parent orientation?
Parent / Student Orientation is typically 2 weeks before the start of school. Parents will choose a 30 minute time period to come with their child to meet the teacher and see the room.
When can I sign up my child for extended care?
Forms will go out in August to sign up for extended care. The extended care registration fee is $20.00.
When will I receive my security card?
Security cards will be issued at the Parent Orientation, one per child. If you need extra or if you lose yours, the cost will be $10.00.
Do I need an immunization form for my child?
Yes, an original immunization form is required for your child to attend at Lakeside. These forms will be due at Parent Orientation, but you may turn them in before this time. Immunizathion forms are due by their first day to attend.
Is Lakeside licensed?
No, Lakeside is not licensed with the state. However, we are checked by the county DHR yearly.
Is there anything available for the summer?
Summer Live will be 3 weeks in June and 3 weeks in July. Available for children 15 months (by June) – completed 4th grade. See dates in proposed calendar above. If you are interested in Summer Live, please email mmooneyhan@lakesidebaptist.com no later than February 15.
What about lunch and snacks?
LBW does not provide any food service. Lunches will come from home. In August, Parents will receive a lunch suggestion list. All children in the toddlers and twos attending early care need to bring an early care snack. 3K and 4K may bring one if they would like. Late care snacks (for those staying past 3:00) for twos and older will be provided a snack. Children younger than the twos classes will bring their own snack.